Yeah. It's been an age since I posted. I've been lazy and didn't really care to dredge up a never-ending list of that which makes me crazy. But, you're all in luck. I've decided to be completely sober for three, count 'em, three months. So, I'll have plenty to bitch about and I can tell you that, already, on Day One, I'm mad as a hornet. It's not that I'm having withdrawals or anything (that'll happen soon enough); I just get pissed that I make these decisions in times of duress and then feel like I have to honor them, BECAUSE I SAID I WOULD. WTF? What was I thinking?
Stay tuned. It's gonna be fun.
I think a time of duress would be the perfect time to hop on the wagon. What are you going to do? Ruin your week? Stress out your month? Meh. That's already done.