Well, it turns out that my disposition may have very little to do with my decision to be sober for three days - I mean - three months. I'll leave it to your imagination, but let's just say it has to do with hormones and, perhaps, moon cycles.
That does not mean, however, that I wasn't presented with an opportunity to see something as unsatisfactory: graffiti. It just really pisses me off that some little pukes can't think of anything better to do than to take a can of spray paint and make some nonsensical, yet permanent, markings on someone's private property. Mostly, it insults my sense of propriety that the graffiti in this town sucks. At least in LA and New York, they make art out of it.
So, if there are any of those aforementioned idiot pukes reading this - just stop it right now. Get yourselves into an art program at the local community college and do something with your lives. Come back and graffiti when you've got some talent. You little pinheads are making me mad.
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