About Me

15 February 2009

Make It Stop.

This will be brief.
The uber-perky Progressive Insurance girl? IX-NAY.
Someone, somewhere got paid a whole lotta money for this sucky ad campaign. And this really irks me.


  1. What exactly is it about HER that has you peeved? I like her enthusiasum, she reminds me of you when you where younger.

  2. It's really not fair for me to take it out on the actress; she's just doing her job. (I think someone recently told me that she was in Mad Men last season and she is kind of cute in a brunette-y, big-eyed kind of way.) The real culprits are the folks who sat around and thought they were coming up with such a great campaign. It's insipid. And, I'm fairly sure that my reaction is opposite their intention. I'll stick with my CSAA insurance, thank you very much.
