It's entirely true that there are plenty of occasions when I have nothing to complain about. In fact, I downright rejoiced when I was given a piece of custom jewelry, hand-made for me by a neighborhood Irish gal who is a horologist by training and education. The girl could actually build a watch if she wanted to. That's quite a niche.
I pestered her for nearly four - count 'em - four years to make me a replica of a piece she wears and I was floored when she coughed it up a few months ago. Let's put it this way - if she'll let me, I'll do her hair free of charge for the rest of her natural life (or mine, I guess). I absolutely love it and am so honored that she would take her time to make it for me. It was one of life's great moments.
So, the photo doesn't do it justice but I wanted to pay homage to my gift from the horologist. I'm working on the technology part of this whole bloggy thingy, but I've got a lot to say before that happens.
the piece is lovely but I have to say you should be very proud of your neck, how long and lovly it is. I know how old you are. Mines srunk.