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18 March 2009

I Think I Just Threw Up In My Mouth A Little Bit

Okay, so it's Day Two of the fast and maybe I'm a little over-sensitive (maybe?), but I just saw something on TV that made my skin crawl: A new Public Policy Polling Survey shows that "President Obama would crush Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin in a hypothetical 2012 presidential contest, 55% to 35%."

This is distressing to me on so many levels. Let's start with the fact that I considered Sarah Palin an inauthentic charlatan and honestly thought that we would have all, collectively, gotten over her. That the media is still seriously talking about her honestly surprises me. (I am not a total Republican hater, per se; I have been impressed by the young Meghan McCain. I don't agree with her but I think she's authentic. I also have a teeny weeny crush on Chuck Hagel.)

Then, there's the issue of premature ejaculation. I mean, this guy hasn't even been in office for two months and the pollsters are already pitting him against the next opponent. Jesus Christ, the body's not even cold yet.

And, of course, there's the nagging question of, who in the hell are the people that make up that thirty five percent? That is, perhaps, the most disconcerting part of all.

Can you say "crabby?" I can't stand being with myself right now.


  1. Can you even imagine the presidential debates?!? Then again, could she really limbo under Bush's 2004 bar? I hope the media spotlight tracks the Palin's on a regular basis over the next 4 years. Bristol will likely be on grandkid #2, and I'm waiting to hear about Willow's big surprise any day now. And by 2012? The Enquirer will have caught Todd schtupping the nanny. Just keep feedin' out the rope...

  2. I'm still laughing about Chuck Hagel!
