My girl, Contessa Brewer, was feeling her oats this morning and engaged in a smack down with some Palin-loving wing nut. Girl almost got rashy, she was so mad. I love her and this morning, she gave me reason to cheer.
At the risk of sounding stupid, you go, girl.
Additionally, she interviewed some guy who wrote a book called, "Nanny State: How Food-Fascists, Teetotaling Do-Gooders, Priggish Moralists and Other Boneheaded Bureaucrats Are Turning America Into A Nation Of
Children." The topic was Obama's suggestion that there is a link between poor eating and lifestyle habits and the cost of health care and that the government could be doing more to combat the problem. The author took exception to the idea that workplace obesity screenings and taxing of sugary drinks would, over the long haul, have a positive effect and that, those of us who take care of ourselves, could stop paying for the health care of those who make poor choices.
This is a subject that really riles me because I struggle every month to pay for my health insurance. I have a very high deductible (the "Hit By A Bus" policy) and find that I don't really need much more than the annual look-see cavity check because, although my methods are questionable, I generally take care of myself. Some of this is a result of good fortune and a sturdy breed stock, but primarily it's because I make sure that I eat some vegetables and get off my couch. It just rankles me when I hear someone who is obese go on about their health problems, as if there were no connection.
The crux of the matter for the author seemed to be that "we have to draw the line somewhere" when it comes to government intervention and to that I say, how has that been working so far? He made the short-sighted statement that taxing sugary drinks won't keep people from drinking them and while that's most likely true, he didn't seem to get the concept that the added taxes WOULD HELP TO PAY FOR HEALTH CARE.
Dude, get your head out of your ass and stop stumping for the Processed Food Industrial Complex. I can see right through you.
As a Washington State resident, I've been paying a "sin tax" on cigs for many years. I don't like it, but I get it. It's fair and most importantly, it's my call.
ReplyDeleteSo taxing junk food? Oh hell yes. Money motivates Americans like nothing else.
How about paying doctors a premium when their patients stay WELL, as opposed to giving perks for writing prescriptions for the newest Wall Street blockbuster drug.
Or when Big Pharma rolls out yet another ad campaign for their "latest and greatest" med, the federal government can require them to also include proven preventative lifestyle choices that would improve their condition.
Like that's gonna happen. Bah.
You're beginning to be the reason I blog at all.
ReplyDeleteBlog! Dammit! Blog!
ReplyDeleteHey, don't forget that you started this blog with telling peeps you didn't want to hear opinions about your opinions. I'm just one of those rude SOB's that tends to ignore shit like that. :)