About Me

01 May 2009

Where DO you draw the line?

I know that this is going to sound like the grumblings of someone who didn't attend a name-brand college (and, if the truth be known, I put in some semesters at a couple of Community Institutions of Higher Learning, but never matriculated). However, I would like to state right here and right now that I think there should be a point at which one should stop wearing or exhibiting their alma mater on either clothing or car-back-window-stickers. I'm going to be generous and say that I think that line should be drawn at two years after graduation.

I do think that the university emblem thing is all about bragging. When was the last time you saw someone sporting a sweatshirt that proclaimed "Hayward State?" What else would make someone in their forties put a Brown University sticker on their vehicle? Why would a thirty-five year old guy wear a Stanford sweatshirt? I cannot get into the psyche of the beast, but it smacks of elitism. And, I'm guessing that's what bugs me.


  1. I smell a business opportunity here. Sweatshirts and stickers with said school logos but with a twist. Using small font in parenthesis:

    (rejected by)

    (still waiting to hear from)

    Or my favorite -

    (as if)

    Brag-obilia annoys most people. You'd sell a million of them!

  2. Have I mentioned how much I love you?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Lovin' the Yale one!

    (sounds better than "I'm from Jersey")

    This is fun!
